“An amazing new active trail” for this primary school

19 November 2018


We wanted to show how our consultants think creatively. It might just look like an active trail but to us it’s a wealth of opportunities for developing skills, getting active, working together and having lots of fun… Here’s a section from a recent primary school proposal.


We begin with the Duck and Jump Station to get the children’s blood pumping as they get low to the ground to move under the low beams then use explosive energy to jump over the higher sections. This can of course offer an easier option to go over the low beams then under the high beams.


We flow into the Tyre Twister which assists in developing children’s foot eye coordination encouraging them to lift their knees high to navigate the tyres.


The Dual Sloping Balance Beams can be used together for your less stable pupils or tried individually either travelling up one or down the other. This offers a chance for children to test their balance skills.


Moving onto the Web Traverse where children use grip and core strength to stretch and weave along this item. You will see the children come up with some fantastic and inventive ways to negotiate past these ropes.


From grip and core strength back to lower body development where, like the tyres, children will need foot eye coordination as well as balance skills to hop and jump across the Rubber Steps Posts.


The Climbing Wall Traverse is a brilliant addition to your trail as it encompasses using the whole body. Children will increase their coordination, gain grip, upper, core and lower body strength all while having a wonderful time. You may find some future professional climbers in your school.


To cover your request for wobbles; the Swinging Logs are perfect for this. Watch as your children laugh and have fun as they build on their core strength.


From stretching those muscles to the children experiencing constrictive movement as they travel through (or around) the Net Tunnel.


Finally, the Trapeze Swing offers the ultimate test in upper body strength! This last item will offer your children a target to aim for and when they complete it they will feel a huge sense of achievement.


I have put these trail items together in such a way that it will challenge different areas of the body at different sections, thus giving time for the target muscles to recuperate ready for the next task.

You can find out more about our active trails and modular sections here, or talk to one of our consultants today.

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