Broomfield South SILC, Yorkshire

Charlotte Gray-Sharpe at Broomfield tell’s us about their recent playground installation.

Why did you want to develop your playground?

Our playground before the installation was in a bad state. We had one slide for over 100 children to use. The children at the student council meetings said they wished playtimes could be more fun! So we decided to embark on a new and improved playground.


What were the key elements that made Playforce stand out from other providers?

We felt that the equipment Playforce offered best met the needs of our pupils. The equipment would be challenging for them and there was something that catered for all pupils regardless of their needs. We liked the way it looked and how it could easily fit into our playground area.

We felt that the equipment Playforce offered best met the needs of our pupils.

How are you using the space to deliver outdoor learning and educational play?

We have used the outdoor space to have picnics, do orienteering as well as P.E.

What are the biggest benefits you have seen for the children?

The children can’t wait to play outside, come rain or shine they want to be out there with their friends enjoying the equipment and playing together regardless of their age and abilities.
