PE – it doesn’t have to be fun or sport… it can be both!

24 September 2015



Now close your ears PE teachers – you won’t like what we’re going to say next. Ears closed? Right, here we go. Not … every … child … enjoys … PE. There, we’ve said it! The strict rules, rituals, equipment and clothes involved in competitive sports that often form the basis of primary school PE lessons aren’t for every child. In fact, for some, they can be completely alienating, putting them off taking part in ANY types of physical activity. Evidence shows that physically inactive children are far more likely to become inactive adults with all the related health implications that brings.

Primary schools are in a fantastic position to switch young children on to the joys of being active and we think the key to doing this is to provide as many different and fun opportunities to be active within the school day as possible, from active travel policies and outdoor learning to extra-curriculur clubs and active break times. The Designed To Move initiative is a lead advocate of active schools. Of course PE lessons provide a focus for physical activity but why not make sport just part of your approach to getting children moving. If you’re looking to shake things up and take a fresh new approach to PE or active outdoor play this year, here are just a few physical literacy resources from Playforce Shop we think you’ll really like.

Have you heard about Drop Spots? We worked with PE expert, School Sports Coordinator and founder of popular PE resource website, PE Scholar, Liz Myers, to design this unique resource to develop those all-important fundamental movement skills. Drop Spots are colourful, slip-resistant, grippy rubber mats featuring dynamic action symbols like ‘bend’, ‘stretch’, ‘jump’ and ‘balance’. Combine these with the feet and hand symbols and you’ll be helping children develop agility, balance and coordination skills. Available as large or small sets, Drop Spots come with useful resource cards featuring suggested activities to support physical literacy. Each card has easy, medium and hard versions so activities can be adapted according to the age, ability and number of children taking part. They can be used for a whole class or small groups, indoors and outdoors, and come in handy carry boxes for easy access and storage.

This bumper Multi-Sport Agility Set is another great resource to support the development of physical skills and is as useful for PE lessons as it is for active free play. Use the set’s hoops, poles, nets and tiles to create targets, hurdles, slalom posts, obstacle courses and goal ends to hone children’s kicking, throwing and jumping skills and improve overall fitness. Perfect for PE or as a flexible resource for active free play.

How about introducing some Parkour-style action to your school with this Jump and Leap Set? This open-ended set of ramps, boxes and balancing items can be moved, combined and reconfigured for added challenge. We’ve even rubberized the top surface to create a really good grip when moving between pieces.

These timber Free-standing Trail Sets (available with 3, 4 or 5 pieces) are a great flexible option for learning balance skills. Vary the level of challenge by moving the different style beams around.

Our Free-standing Target Wall is designed for honing ball skills with its 8 different-sized target holes. Built from pressure-treated timber, this sturdy, stable frame can be used outdoors or inside.

Don’t forget you can use your Sport Premium funding for outdoor play equipment that supports physical activity and movement skills. You’ll find some helpful advice and resources on Primary PE and Sport Funding here.

So with special offers on our Playforce Shop Physical Literacy range coming up soon from 30th September-2nd October, there’s never been a better time to get your school moving.

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