Making a funding application and getting it right

02 November 2020

Doing funding applications - even knowing where to start looking - can feel like a bit of a minefield. That’s why we’re here to help, here at Playforce, with tailored funding advice and support for every school project that wants it. To talk to us about this you can contact us here.
Planning your funding application
THINK: Does it apply to you? Do you stand out from others applying?
TALK: Explain what do you plan to do in plain, clear and complete English 
TIME: Take it steady, read the question and the small print and don’t be afraid to ask


For more information about what should go into your bid, as well as tips for how best to set it out, contact our funding specialists today.
What should you include?
Follow these five key headers to help you organise your bid, signpost the reader and make the strongest possible case for support:
1. Project title
This may sound obvious, but it is often forgotten in bids. A short and descriptive project title can help the reader quickly grasp what you are trying to achieve. It also helps to make your bid memorable.
2. Description of the project
This is your opportunity to describe in as much detail as possible what exactly you are going to do with a grant. Tell the reader who will be involved, where and when your project will take place and how you will deliver it. This shows that you have undertaken thorough project planning.
3. Budget
Include a project budget, preferably presented in a table, showing the breakdown of costs. Say how you have worked out these costs. If the total project cost is bigger than the funding you are asking for, show how you will fund the rest and, if relevant, how the project will be sustained over the long-term.


4. Why the project is needed
Bidding for funding is a competitive process. You need to make it clear why the reader should support you. One of the most effective ways to do this is by defining a problem. What problem or issue will your project address? Remember to write specifically about your case and the people who will benefit, not just generally. You need to back up your statements with evidence. How do you know the problem exists?  Who have you consulted and what did they tell you? Use independent reports or statistics, conduct a pilot study or survey, seek case studies or testimonials.


5. Outcomes
It is crucial that you tell the reader what difference your project will make and how this will help the funder achieve their own objectives. Think about the people who will be involved in your project and how exactly they will benefit. Refer back to the problem that you outlined and present a vision of how their lives will be improved.


And don’t forget… we have lots of ideas for places to find funding




Here are a handful places to consider for funding for a project this year (although some of them have been put on hold, due to COVID19, so keep a watch out for them reopening):


Sport and PE Premium - It’s been around since 2013 but the Sport & PE Premium is still one of the best ways to fund you playground development.  You can read more about this here:

Blue Spark Foundation - Up to £5,000 - Provides funding for projects which aim to improve the education and development of children and young people aged 5-22, by means of educational, cultural, sporting or other activities. Consideration will be given to projects which will help enhance the self-confidence and team working skills and future employability of children and young people.

British & Foreign School Society
- From £5,000 to £60,000 (for a period of up to 3 years) - British & Foreign School Society provides grants to charities for educational activities. They support charitable organisations that work to improve access to education or the quality of education for children and young people in remote or impoverished areas both in the UK and internationally. They have three rounds of funding each year.

Children in Need
- Up to £10,000 (for smaller grants), over £10,000 (for larger grants) - Supporting organisations that understand the needs of disadvantaged children and young people, involved in projects that: take the initiative and show clearly how they will make a difference in children and young people’s lives; address the challenges that children and young people face; build their skills and resilience; empower them and extend their choices in life; involve them in the design, delivery and evaluation of their work; and are keen to keep learning about their work so that their ability to make a difference in children and young people’s lives can keep improving.

Ernest Cook Trust
- Up to £4,000 (for smaller grants), up to £12,000 (for larger grants) - Funding is available to organisations wishing to encourage young people’s interest in the countryside and the environment, inspiring young people to achieve better educational and life outcomes by learning from the land.

Learning Through Landscapes
- various - LTL believe school grounds play a vital role in every child’s learning and development. The charity aims to help schools and early years settings make the most of their outdoor spaces for play and learning.

Sport England
- Up to £10,000 - They want everyone in England to feel able to engage in sport and physical activity regardless of age or level of ability. Their small grants programme focuses on adults and young people aged 14 or over within eligible organisations, that aim to get more people engaged in sport, and meet one or more of the following: to get inactive people to become more active; develop more resilient sporting habits; lead to more positive attitudes amongst young people; develop more diverse volunteers; and improve progression and inclusion in developing talents.           
Lord Taverners - various - Providing grants to SEN schools to give them access to a wider range of outdoor play equipment.

Tesco Bags of Help
- The money raised from the 5p bag charge in Tesco stores, is being used to pay for many local projects to improve green spaces in communities.
And… failing all that… have a look on Grants4Schools for loads more ideas!
For more information about the very many other sources of funding we’re aware of, contact our funding specialists today.

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